English article

What is the alcohol content of Awamori?

What is the alcohol content of Awamori?

Do you know what the strength of Awamori is? The general image is that it's a high alcohol, but as it turns out, "the strength of Awamori varies depending on the type. There are many different types of Awamori, and each type of Awamori has its own unique taste and way of enjoying it!   In this article, I would like to explain about "Awamori's strength" and recommend some Awamori by strength, which I can tell you because I am an Awamori brewer. What is the alcohol content of Awamori? Mainly around 30 degrees alcohol by volume. In general, the...

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Awamori that's like whiskey! Barrel-aged Awamori "Okinawa 2001" was reviewed by a whiskey expert.

In Okinawa, Awamori is popular as a "food wine" enjoyed with water. Nowadays, it is enjoyed in a variety of ways, including highballs, and the repertoire of Awamori is increasing. In recent years, "barrel-aged Awamori," which is aged in wooden barrels, has become popular. The taste of barrel-aged awamori, which is not really awamori at all but almost like whiskey, is attracting attention from people other than awamori fans. How would a whiskey expert react to such barrel-aged awamori? We asked a whiskey expert to review it for us. character profile: Yusuke Nishi Manager of KEYAKI Wine Bar and Wine Supervisor...

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How to choose Awamori recommended by a brewer! (Beginner, Gift, Souvenir)

How to choose Awamori recommended by a brewer! (Beginner, Gift, Souvenir)

There are many people who would like to enjoy drinking Awamori, but have never had the opportunity to do so.   In this article, I asked an Awamori brewer, who is also an expert on Awamori, how to choose the best Awamori for such beginners, and what kind of Awamori to choose as a gift or souvenir!   I want to try some awamori! If you want to try drinking Awamori, or if you want to send it as a gift to someone who loves drinking! If you'd like to try Awamori, or if you'd like to send it as...

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What kind of alcohol is Awamori? An in-depth explanation of the reason for its high alcohol content, its relationship with old sake, and its history

Awamori is a specialty of Okinawa. It is a drink that is always drunk at Okinawan banquets, but it is widely recognized as having a strong flavor and aroma, and not many people know the reason for its high alcohol content, its ingredients and manufacturing method, its relationship with kusu (old rice wine), or the difference between it and shochu. So, in this article, I'd like to share with you the basic knowledge of Awamori, the more you know about it, the more you can enjoy drinking it! The more you know about Awamori, the more you will enjoy drinking...

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